
Conduct research and development based on the discovery of Erythrocytes Dynamic Antigens Store (EDAS) to manufacture highly reliable medical products for the welfare of human and animal. In the establishment phase, the team are all volunteers. The shareholders and the team are mainly believing in the values that Erythra is aiming to achieve, although the expected profits are beyond calculations.

About Us

The Company is founded to make use of the dynamic antigen store idea and owns the patents for it. Using this idea innumerable number of products can be produced. We have 3 main pillars representing 3 types of products.

Diagnostic products will be able to diagnose diseases while they are in the incubation period. This is crucial in malignant diseases. The early the diagnosis the more effective is the treatment. Moreover we will be able to diagnose disorders that currently has no way to be diagnosed accuratly, as an example the Alzheimer disease.


There are many vaccines existing that show excellent impact on health management. In fact if we want to get rid of a particular disease we should have a good vaccine for it. For example smallpox disappeared from the world because there was an efficient vaccine. Polio is about to disappear because of polio vaccine. Our vision is to prepare vaccines for maleganant diseases and also try to improve the current available vaccines. The idea is still in infancy state and new products will be developed with the progress of our understanding of the idea.


New products that can treat autoimmune disorders will be invented. Currently there is no curing drug for those types of disorders. The treatment is based on palliative drugs.

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TB lateral flow test
Developed - validated & Verified

The first product is a simple to use lateral flow test for TB. The test is not only used for diagnosis but also for managing of the treatment which span for at least 6 month. In effect we are introducing a new concept in diagnosis, we termed the product "Case Evaluation Diagnostics" because our test does not only diagnose the condition but also prognoses its severity and its response to treatment. The product's prototype has been developed, verified and validated. The next step is to start large scale production.

To order the product send an email to support@erythra.com

Download the Product Protocol to know more details Erythra TB Protocol

stay tuned!

Under development

Colo Rectal Cancer diagnosis

Alzheimer diagnosis


Based on what was presented to us concerning lateral flow chromatography assay for tuberculosis (TB-Kit), the technology is very acceptable and the price is very competitive. We started a scientific project comparing TB RT PCR with the kit presented to us, till now all the results are very comparative. We guarantee full shift to this technology at NSA labs with 37 branches all over Egypt when the product is commercially available.

Dr Sherif Naseh Amin

Chairman - NSA

Dr Hisham Issa



Mahmoud Rafea

Chief Scientist & CEO

Mohamed Rafea

Business Manager

Walid Fayad
